Program Schedule
7:30 am
Fresh Canadian music to pair with your morning coffee or tea - Tune in to hear what's brewing!
8:02 am
Indie pop and rock
Indie music for your morning commute with a different host every morning!
10:00 am
Spoken Word
2025 Tricolour Award discussions.
11:00 am
Indie, alt rock, new wave, classic rock
Jayne explores the new (and the old) indie classics, with a story or two thrown in the mix
12:00 pm
Syndicated - daily global independent news hour hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González.
2:00 pm
News and Topical Spoken Word
Queen's Law Students, Faculty and Guest Speakers discuss legal topics
3:00 pm
Gothic, darkwave, pop punk, alternative
Exploring the dark, the loud, and the moody corners of music with Tommie
4:00 pm
Topical Spoken Word
Discussions with Queen's graduate students and Postdoctoral Fellows about their research
4:30 pm
Talk, Current Affairs, Indigenous Music
Words and Culture weaves conversations with Indigenous language and knowledge keepers together with music by Indigenous artists.
5:30 pm
Sports, Talk
A sports variety show covering everything from hockey to rugby.
6:00 pm
Indigenous News and Music
Indigenous News, Views and Music with Sean & Doug
9:00 pm
Hard Rock & Heavy Metal
Rock out with Gino Alache for two hours of Hard Rock & Heavy Metal! All welcome, Spanish & English spoken!